The Kotul Public School was established in 2014. The school is Established by Shree Ravindra Deshmukh A great revolutionary, social reformer, educationist. Late Bhau Daji Patil Deshmukh Gramin Vikas Pratisthan Trust which is registered under Societies Registration Act of 1860 and the Bombay Public Trust Act XXIX of 1950, has been established in his name in order to fulfill his cherished dreams and carry out his unfinished task. School has Classes from 1st Standard to 12th Standard boarding School.
The school has taken giant strides since it's inception in 2014 and has become a full-fledged co-educational Residential School open to all communities without any distinction of caste, creed or social status. The school has been consistently achieving excellent academic results and admirable performance in various sport disciplines. Read More
The major Aims and Aspirations are codified:
- To prepare students to be responsible and accountable citizens who should be proud of the past heritage and present achievements of our country.
- To create an awareness about the relationship between the environment and human life.
- To develop fine traits of character like honesty, resourcefulness, discipline, dedication, determination, devotion, tolerance, co-operation, benevolence, courteousness, sportsman spirit and the spirit of sacrifice for the country.
- To cultivate the passion for hard work, dignity of manual work and labour.
- To inculcate a scientific attitude along with self confidence and qualities of leadership.
- To endeavor to train the students not only in nationalism, but also internationalism, universal brotherhood, mutual understanding and peace.
- To cultivate competitive aptitude through participation in various educational competitive examinations.
- To imbibe in them the national spirit of Unity in Diversity.